Friday, August 26, 2011

Work out.

Today's lunch work out was good. 2 times around the park at a jog, 1 time at a walk. Threw in some sprint intervals (modified, 10 seconds on/20seconds off). Also did not arm and shoulder work on the park bench. Weights are really not needed for the strength training days. I watched a couple moves on YouTube by Mark Sisson for no weight strength training. They work good. Just got learn a few new ones to throw into the mix.

Oh, still holding at 18 pounds lost as of yesterday. Will weigh out this afternoon. I fasted a bit yesterday so I am expecting a good number. Shooting for the 20 mark!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Another week, another 5 pounds...

... I hope. Held steady all last week. Doing over time last week and this week. That might've had something to do with it. It'll be a nice check right in time for vacation.

Shooting for 100% Primal this work week. No cheating. Which means no beers at night and no Dew to wake up.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Checking In

Okay, it has been a while since my last post. I've been very busy at work and my routine eats up my time at home. The good news is I am down 18 pounds and holding steady for about a week. I have muscles again in my arms and legs. Even starting to see the beginnings of some definition in the abs and chest. Still a ways to go to lose the beer belly, so the abs wont show for a while.

Anyways, keeping at it and staying true to the Primal Life. Still drinking beer though. But, Sam Adam's Summer Ale season is almost over. Should see great results once I am not drinking a 12 pack a week.