Friday, May 20, 2011

Biking To Work - Follow Up

It took me longer to post this follow up due to the fact the test bike ride to and from work ended badly. I was sort of cut off by a city bus, although technically I could have safely stopped, I chose to go around the bus by hoping back up on the sidewalk. The front tire hit the little lip where the road meets the sidewalk at an odd angle. My bike went one way and I went the other.

All told, 7 stitches in my forehead and a fracture of the head of the elbow bone (the part that rotates the wrist). Maybe I'll post the x-ray later for fun. Also, numerous contusions up and down my right side and general aches.

This will not deter me. Once I heal up I will attempt it again. Just as typing left handed is not going to stop me from posting updates to my blog.

In fact, this accident has hardened my resolve even more. I do not accept the fact I am getting older and spills like this hurt more now. I laugh in the face of pain and will press through!

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