Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back in Business

Well, it has been roughly 2 months since my bicycle accident that claimed my elbow. I did get a cool scar on my forehead though. And chicks dig scars. So, that is a plus.

But, the accident did knock me off the game for a bit. I used it as an excuse to slack off during the recovery time. Well, that time is over. I am back in business.

Mountain Dew stopped. Check.

No pastas. Check. Been doing that anyways (more below).

Walking. Check.

All grains and sugars cut. Sorta check. Most, but not 100% yet.

Exercise. Check.

Play. No Check. Need to do something about this.

Cutting out all pastas has actually made me lose weight during the recovery time. Even with drinking all that sugar in Mountain Dew.

Here is my new inspiration. This dude started at roughly my starting point and did amazing is a short time.

I wont be shaving my chest for my after picture. This guy did great in a mere 8 months! His name is Dean Dwyer and his full story can be read here: Primal living really does promote a fast transformation.

Dean's after picture is what I believe is what all of our natural appearance to be if it were not for the Standard American Diet and the lack of movement in our daily lives. I will soon find out in the next couple of months. Barring any more accidents.

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