Friday, July 22, 2011

Fasting Lesson Learned

Okay, I did roughly a 20 hour fast yesterday. It felt good, no real hunger pains until hour 19. Then I had to eat something and quick. I ended up having sauerkraut and two brats (minus the bun of course) with some brown spicy mustard (not made with sugar). It was by far one of the best tasting meals all week! Hunger really is the best spice.

But, my exercise routine paid the price. I had no energy to do cardio, abs or even take the dogs for a walk before eating. After the meal I felt too stuffed to do much moving. I should have taken the dogs for a walk but even skipped that. To stay on track with the P90 routine I'll jam the missed day into Sunday which was suppose to be the rest day.

Fasting might be out for a while. At least until I am used to being active again. There was a time when I could comfortably eat only every other day. Those days are past for now. They might reappear in the future.

Either way, I just weighed in again. Another 1.9 pounds since Wednesday! This losing weight so far is easy! Sure hope it continues.

I do have to rat myself out. 3 mountain dews over the last two days. One was a 16 ouncer. Oops. Still, not 100% but getting closer. I have a feeling I'll be picking up a 12 pack of Samuel Adam's Summer Ale for the weekend. It is going to be a battle of will not to. The backyard and sun is calling me. It would be strange to do backyard work and not have a Summer Ale sitting on the table. Of course, after the first delicious beer the nicotine craving will begin. This will be a true test of my commitment. I'll update the beer or no beer status on Monday.

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