Friday, July 29, 2011

End of week odds & ends

Down a 1.2 pounds between Thursday and today. That puts me at 224.4. So far a total of 9.2 pounds over 13 days. I bet I hit the 10 mark tomorrow. That'll make an average of 5 pounds per week. Conventional wisdom says 1 to 2 pounds per week loss is healthy. Any more is unhealthy. But, going by CW's past track record I am not at all worried about it. In fact, by not adhering to CW I feel I am on the right track.

Beer is slowing down my progress I think. In the past 7 days I have consumed 19 beers (1 was at least gluten free). The weight loss speed is fine by me, but it is the cigarette cravings when having a beer that is the real problem. I drink, I smoke. Not good. Not sure if I am hard core enough to give up Mountain Dew, cigarettes (when not drinking at least) and beer.

If it were not for the 6 pack of Sam Adam's Summer Ale last night on the patio my calorie count for the day was astronomically low. Barely above 500 for the entire day. I did not feel hungry at all, but when I added up what I had eaten for the entire day I was shocked at how low it was. Even with the 6 pack, I did not even come close the 2400 calorie CW says man should consume per day. Maybe I am missing something when calculating calorie count. So, today I am writing down and doing a running total through out the day.

With the enormous deficit in caloric intake per day that I seem to be comfortable with, I should be hitting between 3000 and 4000 difference on intake and burned. That should be 1 pound per day. I am not getting that. Have to look into this more.

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