Monday, July 18, 2011

100% Compliance on 90%

Today I start shooting for 100% compliance on 90% of the 10 Primal Rules. Still missing out on the Play Rule. The plan is walking each night with dogs, no matter the weather. It is hot now, so I will wait til dark to save the dog's paws. All food will be prepared by me out straight out of the Primal cookbook. No fudging, as in no Mountain Dew as a treat at the end of the week. Cigarettes are out again too. Good. Nasty and expensive habit. Snus will be used as long as I think I need it as bridge to being nicotine free. Also, for the first couple of months I am going to cut out altogether the fruits to purge my system of all sugars and to promote rapid weight loss.

Today I grabbed 2 hard boiled eggs (organic of course) and smallish slice of the Egg Bake to take to work with me. The Egg Bake is out of the Primal Cookbook with a few modifications on my part. It is easy to pre-prepare on Sundays and have ready to go for the week. I get about 5 meals out one dish. It includes, 2 medium zucchini, 3 eggs, 5 strips of thick cut crispy bacon, 1 pound ground bison, 1 sweet onion and bacon fat for the oil. Sea salt and peppered to taste. It is delicious and good fuel. No garbage in it.

Tonight, I will do the weight program from the P90 DVDs. This is P90, not P90X. It should be safer for me. Hopefully no injuries along the way as was the case with the P90X program. I tried out the weight program last week which includes several rounds of push ups. I was able to do them but it will take some time to get the elbow back to normal. The push ups were very lopsided. It is my plan to do all 90 days of the P90 program and then reassess by abilities and physical strength/endurance. If it has improved dramatically I will move to the P90 Master series. One step below P90X. If not there yet I will do another round of P90. This will continue with a reassessment every 90 days until I finish the Insanity Series (one, maybe 2, steps above P90X). From there I will back off and maintain using what ever DVD works best for maintaining. Chronic Cardio will be something to watch for at that point. That problem seems a long way off but am looking forward to the day I have it.

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