Thursday, July 28, 2011


Day 11 or 12, can't remember off hand. I am beginning to feel a normal routine take hold. The half hour Power 90 is done 5 out the 7 days of the week, with Wednesdays and Sundays off. It goes like this; get home do the daily Power 90 circuit 1 & 2. Throw on the feet gloves and go clean the dog poo for the day in the backyard including filling the dog water bowls with cool water. Leash the dogs and head out for a 1/2 hour to 45 minute walk. Head inside while the dogs cool off and grab a shower. Then eat. This week I've thrown in a run/walk at lunch of a total of 3.4 miles. That is twice around the block at work. First day I did roughly 1.25 mile jog, yesterday a 1.75 mile jog. The rest was walking. All in the feet gloves.

This past weekend I did have 9 beers and finished off the 12 pack on Tuesday night. Of course the nicotine craving kicked in right away. Had to two packs of smokes from Friday night to Tuesday. Not good, but in relation to the 1 1/2 pack a day before not that bad either. Still, it might be better to cut out the beer for about 2 months til I break the cig habit completely.

Weight loss is slowing down this week. In fact I gained a pound between Tuesday and today. I know the cause. We went and used our $20 food coupons at the Canary last night. I ordered the taco salad minus the sour cream and refried beans. Also had the tortilla soup minus the chips. Somewhere in the meal there must have been some flour or wheat. That is the only thing I can think of to explain the 1 pound gain is a day. Lesson learned. Only Primal food cooked at home from now on (except August 14th when Famous Dave's is doing the Daves eat free again).

Current weight is at 226.6.

Right now I am eating the last of the spinach bread I made on Sunday. It seems to be a great fuel for my lunch jogs in 100+ heat. I can not remember when I was able to jog over a mile at once. I will be sticking with this fuel source every weekday at 11 a.m.

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