Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 2

Yesterday went great. On Sunday, I printed daily checklists for the entire week excluding Sunday. For each day, I write down the items I want to get done for the day. Yesterday it was;

1. Finish last pack of cigs. Check
2. Eat Primal for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Check
3. Start P90. Check
4. Walk the dogs. Check

Number 4 ended up being an hour walk. Not sure how many miles, but I was moving at a rather slow pace.

Today and the rest of the week will mostly be the same list minus number one. Or with number one changing to "Do not smoke even one cig!". So far so good. It has been 24 hours since my hopefully last cig. Nasty and expensive habit. Be glad to no longer be controlled by it. I even feel lighter with out the pack of smokes in my front shirt pocket. It is like being off a leash.

I will start adding things to the checklist like;

5. Get an hour of sun each day.
6. Walk at lunch (still too hot and I don't want to come back to work all sweaty)
7. Sprint on Fridays.
8. Find some way to incorporate play. I have no clue what this will be. I am rather anti social and not the easiest person to get along with. Maybe learn to dance with Annabell. Who knows.

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