Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 4 Update

Everything is nearly on track. I did break down and purchase a pack of smokes yesterday. Had one and passed the entire pack off to a coworker to hold and ration out one a day at lunch. I am not going to sweat the fact I am having trouble quiting cold turkey. 1 a day compared to 20 to 25 a day is a huge improvement.

Jogged a bit yesterday during the longest dog walk yet. Felt good and I pushed myself to go as far as I could.

Weighed myself yesterday. Last weigh in was July 8th and I was at 233.6. The full week in between weighings I ate the standard American diet (SAD) with plenty of mountain dews. But the scale read 228.1 yesterday! 5 1/2 pounds, most of which I bet I lost from Sunday to Wednesday. That got me really excited and is a great motivator.

I am fasting today. I've decided every pay day (every two weeks), I will fast through out the day until evening when I will have a large steak to eat. It is lunch now and so far no stomach rumblings. It really is true, when one's diet consists of meat, vegetables and fat one does not feel hungry like when eating glue (bread and pastas). Although, since this is my first week back at Primal I suspect I will be getting hunger pains around 4 this afternoon. It should also be interesting to see how much energy I have for the workouts tonight and the dog walk with no new fuel added today.

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