Thursday, May 12, 2011

Biking to work

It has been awhile since my last post. Not much happening Primal wise except I have not been doing to good.

So, to get back on the wagon I've decided to start biking to and from work 4 out the 5 work days. A one way trip is 10.87 miles. At my current weight and going on an estimated time of 1.5 hours to complete I will burn roughly 1280 calories just on biking alone. That is 5120 calories just for my commute to work.

This time of year is a perfect time to start such an endevour. The weather is nice and I believe the wind is done for the most part. I am not that worried about being able to do this as I have been doing roughly 12 miles each weekend with the dogs.

I post an update on this on Monday.

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