Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gave in to Temptation Yesterday

Okay, so I am not perfect. I splurged a lot yesterday. A full day of old eating habits. 2 1/2 Mountain Dews, some Frito's and vending machine doughnuts. The only meal that was primal was my breakfast. Needless to say, I felt like crap at night.

I know exactly where I went wrong. Since it is getting near payday I was down to my last $11 dollars of discretionary cash and I opted for quick and easy instead of good and notorious. My food budget has to be increased to be able to maintain enough cash flow to cover the entire two week between paychecks.

Although I gave in yesterday, today is a new day and I am not letting a one day slip up from causing me to slip back into old habits. So, it was a good breakfast, a good lunch and tonight I will start a 24 hour fast.

There was also a positive side to yesterday. Those bad foods gave me little satisfaction and the dews tasted far too sweet and were actually a little unpleasant. I had 1/2 a glass of Dew on Saturday also and noticed the same thing. It tasted so sweet then that I could only drink 1/2 of it.

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