Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Ten Simple Primal Rules

Mark Sisson developed ten simple rules to living primal. These rules can be found at Mark's Daily Apple or in his book The Primal Blueprint. I am going to list the rules here too.

1. Eat lots of animal flesh, insects and plants.

Preferably from sources you hunted, caught or harvested yourself. Hard to do in modern society. So,     getting fresh organic options can substitute. Be careful though and do the research into if what you are buying is truly organic/grass fed/fresh. Most of claims can be made using Federal guidelines of what can qualify with these labels. We all know how well government does things so do your own research. Do not rely on silly government approval.

2. Move around at a slow pace.

Simple enough. Get out and walk once a day. An hour a day is best but do what you have time for.

3. Lift Heavy Things.

At least twice a week. Primal man lifted heavy objects on a regular basis. Remember, he lived prior to the industrial revolution.

4. Sprint every now and then.

Do this once, maybe twice, a week. Simulates running away from predators. In fact, the simple act of sprinting releases adrenaline. A little adrenaline every now and then is really good for the body.

5. Get your sleep.

Get a least 8 hours a night. Take a nap in the afternoon if you feel you need it.

Okay, that is all for now. The next 5 in the next post.

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