Sunday, April 10, 2011

Typical Sunday

Up at 6 or 7. Grab bacon and eggs. Two eggs, 7 slices of uncured apple bacon. A glass of water with some lemon juice squeezed in for flavor.

Walked the dogs in the big desolate area near my house for roughly an hour and half. Good walk, lots of hills and I get in lots of spear thrusts (lunges) in on the flatter areas.

Got back home, let the dogs rest and get a drink of water for about half an hour. We tend to play an easy game of fetch with the ball during this time. I take off my "Get Primal - Grok On" shirt and get some sun in while in the back yard.

Then it is off on the bike. The dogs go in pairs and run either 2 or 4 miles depending on the route I take. So, I get 4 or 8. Granted, primal man did not have bicycles but Jack Russells are very hard to tire out and they love sprinting along side the pack leader.

Back home and more intense game of fetch. More sun for me. Dang dogs wont drop the ball right in front of my feet so a little walking and bending thrown in.

For lunch, a slab of meat (NY steak today!) and veggies. Bake my egg bake (eggs, bacon bits, ground bison and shredded zucchini) for the next couple of breakfasts. About Wednesday I will bake up the egg and Swiss chard fajitas. Both are easy and quick for breakfast. Also, hard boil some eggs for quick snacks during the week. All eggs and veggies are organic of course.

At about 4 O'clock the dogs and I will be out on the bike again doing the other route I did not take in the morning run. So, the for the day, the dogs get 6 miles and I get 12 miles on Sundays. During the week there is not enough time for both routes.

If hungry during the evening I snack on unsalted nuts of various kinds.

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