Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Temptation for April 6, 2011

Okay, so nearly everyday I have been tempted to eat or drink something that is not what my ancient ancestors would have eaten. My normal self created boundary, or a habit box I put myself in if you prefer, I had when it came to these was to simply partake of them and enjoy while never considering the damage I was doing to myself by ingesting something my body had not evolved to process. Today it was this:

A coworker brought this in to share with the office. I had been introduced to this particular delicious brand of poison about a year ago. I love 'em and can't eat just one. The problem is, spuds are converted into sugar once ingested. This causes a major spike in insulin. Eat enough of them over time and the body becomes insulin resistant. So, just like smoking cigarettes, damage is done to your body over time and eventually that damage causes something to break down that you don't want or can afford to have breaking down.

I am happy to say I pushed passed this boundary, or got out of my habit box, today and did not even have one chip! But I have a feeling a "Daily Temptation" might be a regular blog post subject. I hope each one will end with the same result as this one did.

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