Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time to Talk About Goals

Okay, that is enough space devoted to what the Primal Lifestyle is. Plus, Mark Sisson does a far better job at explaining it on his blog.

Now it the time to get done to the nitty gritty and lay out my goals.

1. Optimize my physical condition. This does not mean looking like a muscle head body builder that needs to special order his clothing. It means being lean and fit. Some muscle but with the flexibility of a gymnast. What I envision is something along the lines of the 300 actors.

Since the movie 300 is the new Ben Hur to those that are also huge fans of musicals and everything Barbra Streisand, achieving this goal will bring along with it some unwanted attention. Sort of proves that for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. I will have to deal with this negative aspect when it arises. 

2. Reduction of doctor visits. While modern medicine is great for actual trauma it is a little less so for diseases and chronic conditions. There is a reason for this that I will get into in a future post. Sure, a doctor's advice on areas outside of trauma is still good it is not above question. For instance, instead of informing a diabetic patient about the cure for diabetes they prescribe pills that will have to taken for an entire life time. (Yes, there is a cure for diabetes) Or, for my facial condition I was told there was no cure and I would have to fill a prescription for the rest of my life. Well, that was just wrong. But, for the most part a doctor's advice is solid. It is easy to just take that advice and never look further. To avoid that trap, it is better to reduce the reasons to visit one to begin with. Limit my exposure to faulty data. As the database administrator in me would say, garbage in, garbage out.

3. Enjoy life to the fullest. This of course is easier accomplished by fulfilling goals 1 and 2.

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