Friday, April 8, 2011

Ten Rules Continued.

6. Play often and long.

Remember when you rushed to finish your chores so you could get outside that much faster to play in the street? It did not matter what game it was, just that you were out there playing it. Find that passion for play again. This is easier to do with young children around. If you don't have any of your own don't go join the local neighborhood kids in their activities. Parents of the Boobus Americanus variety have been conditioned by government's mouth piece, main stream media, to believe there is a pedophile behind every bush. Plus, you are already doing far more than you should with all those other people's little shits by being forced to pay for their schooling. Just get a dog instead and save yourself the trouble and dogs are faster. Play a game of chase with your dog. You will be worn out in no time and the dog will appreciate it more than welfare queen, middle class parents pretend they can not afford to pay for his schooling on their own so they get government to steal the difference from you, little Johnny up the street. Screw little Johnny and his welfare queen, overly paranoid of pedophiles parents. Incorporate play into your weekly routine. Make time for it.

 7. Get some sun.

Forget all that conventional wisdom about the harmful effects of sunlight. It is good for you. The body does not process vitamin C well without ample amounts of vitamin D. I will get into where modern medicine went off track in a later post. If rule 6 is done outdoors 6 & 7 can be done at the same time. Just be sure to expose as much skin as possible without getting arrested. Face it, the picture above shows a very healthy and attractive woman. If her skin was pale white she would still be attractive but a little less so. Truth by observing the natural world around us is what it is all about.

8. Avoid getting injured.

Be aware of your surroundings. Listen to what your body is telling you. If a particular exercise or movement is causing pain, don't ignore it. Stop doing it and find a way to alleviate that pain.

9. Avoid poisons.

While I am fairly certain Bret Michaels has numerous STDs and should be avoided this is more about avoiding things that can harm you. Well, I guess the band Poison falls into this category too. Listen to what your body is telling you. If you notice a negative reaction to certain foods, don't eat them. Also, of course, avoid things marked with the skull and cross bones. That should go without saying.

10. Exercise your brain.

Don't just sit and veg out in front of the TV or computer in your free time. Play a mind stimulation game with a family member. Do a crossword puzzle. Exercise your brain right now and come up with your own ideas.

Okay, those are Sisson's 10 rules. I would add number 11.

11. Inject randomness into your life.

Primal man lived and died by the randomness in nature. Randomness was at the center of everything he did. Modern life is very structured and we follow very specific patterns in our daily lives. Try and break that mold. Push against those real or imaginary boundaries your life is caught in.For instance, go without eating for a day, don't follow a regimented exercise routine, opt for a nature walk on uneven ground instead of walking around the block on level concrete and so on. No part of our lives should be allowed to fall into predictable pattern. Do not go gently into the monotonous night, instead rage, rage against the dying of the random. Embrace chaos.

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