Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Message to Blood Line Family Members

As you all know (or maybe you don't), I've lived with seborrheic dermatitis since my teens years. Over the years every dermatologist has told me it is a life long condition with no cure. In the past 10 years it has gotten really bad, no longer affecting just my eye brow region but my entire Nicolas Cage looking face. 

Well, guess what. I pushed against the boundary those doctors put me in and found out it is not a life long condition. A change in diet has cured it. After some completely scientific research and testing on myself I have discovered it was caused by ingesting gluten. It was an allergic reaction.

I believe Ted experiences an allergic reaction to gluten as well. His takes a different form but it seems to be caused by the same thing.

While very few people are ever diagnosed with Celiac disease, it appears a large percentage of people, 60%-70%, have less intense reactions to gluten. Reactions non the less.

It is my belief our family genetic make up leaves us prone to stronger reactions to gluten. Do yourselves a favor and test yourself by restricting you gluten intake for two weeks and see how you feel or if anything noticeable changes. After the two weeks, introduce gluten back into your diet and note how you feel.

Remember, both dad (grandpa) and (great) grandma Heleckson have a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. I'd lay money that most of us are gluten intolerant to some degree or another. Plus, Aunt Karen is terribly allergic.

Sadly, if I don't want to look like a lizard face I must give up beer. The horror! Maybe a lizard face just once in awhile then.

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